Aromatherapy & Children
Parenthood is one of life’s true joys, but it certainly has its challenges! Stress, sicknesses, sleep deprivation and at times, total exhaustion are common symptoms endured by mothers, particularly those with new-borns and young children.
While Aromatherapy may not be the solution to every health problem your family faces, it is nature’s holistic way of preventing illness and improving general wellbeing. Pure Essential Oils can treat individual ailments while simultaneously creating a state of relaxation and harmony for the whole family. In fact, when you use essential oils for your children, the whole family benefits.
Dosages by Age
Children respond well to low dosages of Essential Oils, particularly in topical applications. We offer the following guide for applying Essential Oils directly on the skin of young children but strongly recommend you seek medical advice before beginning any ongoing treatment:
- Up to 3 months: Pure Essential Oils are not recommended for use on the delicate skin of newborn babies less than three months old.
- Up to 2 years: Dilute (with a carrier oil such as Olive, Coconut or Jojoba Oil) to one-quarter of the recommended adult dosage.
Up to 5 years: Dilute to one-third of the recommended adult dosage.
- Up to 12 years: Dilute to one-half of the recommended adult dosage.
- Over 12 years: Ready for full adult dosage.
Sense of Smell
Babies love scent. One of the first scents that a newborn recognises is that of the mother. To create a relaxing atmosphere, use a couple of drops of oil such as Lavender or Chamomile on a handkerchief or cotton ball and place it nearby when feeding or sleeping. As the child grows, diffuse relaxing oils in the bedroom, particularly at bedtime. Scented drawers are pleasant too – place a few drops of oil onto cotton balls and place inside clothes drawers. Children will associate the lovely aromas with feelings of comfort and security.
Sense of Touch
Studies have shown that babies who are massaged regularly are more relaxed, eat and sleep better and have less colic and constipation. One of the best reasons to massage your baby though, is that it promotes bonding between parent and child. Babies crave skin-to-skin contact and will respond well to your gentle touch. Try LeRêve’s Baby Care Bath & Body Blend for the perfect evening rub. Growing children may apply certain oils directly to the skin for cuts, bruises, sore muscles, chicken pox and more. Massage is particularly beneficial for colds and coughs, respiratory complaints and skin conditions.
It’s Bath Time
Children love their bath to smell nice. Use a carrier oil such as Olive, Coconut or Jojoba Oil to disperse Pure Essential Oils in the bath water. Lavender, Chamomile and Orange are a good choice, or use our Baby Care Bath & Body Blend. This helps calm children at night and is also great for treating fevers and skin conditions. By adding Aromatherapy, the evening bath-time ritual will be more pleasant and enriching – for the kids and mum!
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