Secrets To Great Sleep

“As important as it is to have a plan for doing work, it is perhaps more important to have a plan for rest, relaxation, self-care, and sleep.” - Akiroq Brost.

We’ve researched some ways to increase your body’s natural melatonin production for a better night’s sleep.  Did you know that simply staring at the red light in a candle flame for a minute or two can relax your mind and improve your circadian rhythm?

Candle gazing is actually type of meditation and as simple as it can be, it helps with focus, emptying the mind and aids relaxation.
Choose a candle scent that transports you to somewhere relaxing – perhaps Coconut & Lime to give those holiday vibes to your home, or Clean Cotton to remind you of your cost bed linen.

Light exposure has a significant effect on your body’s melatonin production and circadian rhythm. That’s why getting some early morning sunshine and limiting screens an hour or two before bed is your best bet at naturally increasing melatonin. 

Artificial light at night blocks melatonin production, needed to fall and stay asleep. Begin reducing blue, LED and artificial light exposure at sunset, or two to three hours before bed. Instead use candles, or warm and dim lights such as salt lamps.

Using red light at night or in the evenings can help your body transition into its sleep cycle more naturally.  Try turning on your Luna or Zodiac Ultrasonic Diffuser a few hours before bed.

The best essential oils to assist with sleep preparation are Sweet Sleep Pure Essential Oil Blend, Love Story Pure Essential Oil Blend or Stressless Pure Essential Oil Blend.

Or simply massage in some Sweet Sleep Intensive Hit Roll On into your wrists, temples and feet to absorb quickly into the blood and lymph.

Research shows taking a warm bath at night has a relaxing effect on the body. Perhaps this is due to the relaxing effect on cortisol levels from a hot bath. As cortisol decreases, melatonin will rise. We recommend adding some Love Story Bath & Body Oil or Stressless Bath & Body Oil, and a two cups of magnesium Epsom salts for the added therapeutic benefits to the body and mind.

Other tips include keeping your room dark, trying a morning workout, and eating foods like eggs, mushrooms, and cherries — while limiting your coffee, too. 

"Getting great sleep is one of, if not THE best gift you can give yourself". – Sabine Christelli, Neuro Sleep Expert.



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