Kids are back to school which means the morning hustle and bustle is back! You know… the 7.00am alarm, fight for the bathroom, rushed breakfast and you’re shouting out the check list of all the things the kids need to take to school today “Lunches, homework, instruments, school hats” … the list goes on.
If this sounds all too familiar, then it’s time to set a proper school morning routine in your household to introduce more structure and bring calm to the mornings. This routine will be specific to each family and their needs but should start the night before and should be practiced by everyone in the family. This will allow the kids to head off to school feeling less anxious about their day and prepare them to be more organised as they go through their fundamental teaching years.
Introduce some of these simple steps in your family’s routine and see the benefits.

- Schedule family events
Try using a family calendar, which has a space for every individual in the household to highlight events, outings, excursions, etc. for the whole family to see. Putting important dates on the calendar will allow a visual outline of what the family has that week/month and what needs to be prepared for. This will reduce the last-minute stress of finding out your child has a school project due that week that they have not prepared for, or a birthday party that weekend that you need to buy a last-minute gift for.
- Prepare the night before
It is a good idea to get into the practice of packing school lunches and school bags the night before. By making sure the kid’s things are organised, a healthy lunch is prepacked, and their uniforms are washed and placed by their beds, you will save time and stress in the morning. With enough practice and discipline your children should pick up the behaviour and continue this through their lifetime meaning they go into each day feeling prepared.
- Get a good night’s sleep
Choose a time that everyone should be awake and out of bed each morning. Then work out what time everyone should be asleep by for at least 10 hours of sleep for young children. A set routine will allow for an overall better sleep each night, and their body clocks will start to naturally feel tired around ‘bedtime’. This should also help the children getting in a habit of waking up at the same time each morning and with enough time to get ready for school. For light sleepers, add Sweet Sleep Blend in an Ultrasonic Diffuser to help them fall asleep faster and stay asleep!
- Schedule in snuggle time
Quite often you’ll find if it has been a stressful morning, with family members shouting at one another and people rushing about the house to get ready, that you didn’t have a single minute to cuddle your kids. Taking 5-10 minutes to relax with your kids, give them a cuddle and connect, will transform your morning. This will help ‘fill your child’s cup’ before the day starts and allows for a sense of deep connection. This will boost feelings of love, appreciation and motivation to cooperate.
- Positively communicate
Have a routine set out that minimises the need to bark orders at your children, which could set a negative tone for their day. By helping children move through the routine with positive remarks such as “great job getting dressed, now what do you want for breakfast”. This will encourage them to keep moving.
- Make it fun
Don’t make the process of getting ready for school a hassle or something that the kids dread. Make your mornings enjoyable and productive. Help your kids smile and laugh before their day at school even starts. We do this by playing some fun music or cooking a nutritious but yummy breakfast, like banana pancakes. Light your favourite LeRêve Candle or diffuse Love Story Blend which lifts the mood and enhances personal connection between family members. By having a dance or laughing with one another over breakfast, the kids will associate the mornings as a fun activity and be more inclined to get out of bed easier! YAY!